Welcome to everyone

A message from the Vicar

I’m delighted that you’ve found us and hope that you will find the information on this website helpful.

We are a lively, inclusive church community in the South of the Island that offers a warm welcome to all, wherever you are on your faith journey. We are a thinking and reflective community that seeks to nurture the spiritual growth of people of all ages – questioning and exploring are not only welcomed, but supported and encouraged.

Our four churches are located at the heart of their communities and we meet every Sunday for worship that lasts about an hour. You can find details of our services here. Children and young people are very welcome in our church services.

All the churches are open daily for prayer, peace and quiet reflection.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have a question or would like further information.

With every Blessing

Rev. Joe Heaton


The Parish of Rushen is committed to the safeguarding, nurture and care of everyone within our church community. 

If you, or someone you know, are concerned that a child or vulnerable adult is at risk or has been harmed, or are concerned about the behaviour of someone towards children or vulnerable adults.

The Parish Safeguarding Officer is Rhiannon Manning who can be contacted on 01624 832275 or by email at rushenparishorg@gmail.com

The Diocesan Safeguarding Support Officer is Lisa Morris who can be contacted on 07624 494688 or by email at lisa.morris@sodorandman.im.

Our Safeguarding page has more information.